

When I was young, my parents thought I wasted too much time watching TV. Little did they know, I was actually learning.

I love the moving image. I’m an old-school movieholic, growing up on the movies of Spielberg and Lucas. As I grew older, I discovered the works of classic directors like Kubrick, Curtiz, Hitchcock and Welles, as well as newer auteurs like Tarantino, Nolan and Eastwood.

My love of cinema led me to produce independent, no-budget movies. Most of my twenties and thirties were spent on these endeavors. While these movies never made a ton of money, they taught me valuable lessons about crafting an image, and also how to wring the most quality out of run-and-gun situations. Above all, get it in the can!

Nowadays, I specialize in Corporate video. I can script, interview, shoot b-roll, light, run sound, fly a drone, and then edit all that into a tight, entertaining package to your exact specifications. It’s what I do.
